Seft Consulting

Our Projects

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: GOPA Com. s.a

Origin of funding: EuropeAid/137211/DH/SER/Multi

Dates (start/end): January 2020 / December 2021

Detailed description of project:
Overall objective

The overall objective is to contribute to the improvement of public perception in Azerbaijan, as well as to a better understanding of European policies and their impact through the regional and bilateral EU support and cooperation programmes in Azerbaijan for all its citizens. 

The specific objectives are as follows:

  • Communicate in an accessible manner to the Azerbaijani public about the EU, its values, and its actions in Azerbaijan;
  • Raise awareness of the tangible benefits for Azerbaijani citizens that arise from EU financial support and EU-Azerbaijan cooperation.

Type and scope of Services provided:

  • Social Media (SM) accounts managed (800 posts and 100 boosts;
  • Photos and videos made of the EU events;
  • Outreach events (two EU Day events in the regions including education events) organized;
  • Communication support provided to the EU funded projects (including  quarterly meetings, electronic monthly calendar of planned events, a geographic and time-based results mapping of all ongoing projects; management of Digitool, fact sheets for each EU-funded project);
  • 8 Human Stories developed;
  • 5 short videos/motion designed;
  • Relations with media maintained (press visits to EU projects, eight project briefings, two EU Press Competions on Projects)
  • 4 Public Campaigns organized;
  • EU branded materials printed/procured and 2 promotional events organized.

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: UNDP

Origin of funding: VET4FUTURE 2020 (EU)

Beneficiary: State Agency on Vocational Education under The Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan

Dates (start/end): January 2021 / December 2021

Name of partners: IBF International Consulting

Detailed description of project:
Overall objective

The project intends to support SAVE in development of solid communication strategy to increase the image and attractiveness of the VET as well as in implementation of action plans developed within the strategy.

Preparation of Communication Strategy for SAVE, Support with re- branding, updating or creating new the websites for SAVE, Development of Strategic Development Plans for the selected six target VET providers, and organization of professional training program on “Leadership and Management in Vocational Education” for the management personnel, mainly for directors of VET institutions

Type and scope of Services provided:

  • Communication Strategy (CS) and 5-year action plan for SAVE (State Agency on Vocational Education under the Ministry of Education) developed;
  • Re-branded, updated or created new websites for SAVE and 7 selected VET centres (Schools);
  • Six Strategic Development Plans (SDPs) for the selected VET providers (Schools) developed;
  • Training programs on “Leadership and Management in Vocational Education” for management personnel of VET schools organized.

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: EU DEL to Azerbaijan

Origin of funding: EuropeAid/138778/DH/SER/multi

Beneficiary: The Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan and State Vocational Education Agency

Dates (start/end): February 2019 -September 2020

Name of partner: IBF international Consulting

Services provided:

  • Proposals on up to 3 alternative models for private sector participation in the financing of infrastructure projects in education prepared;
  • Recommendation on the most optimal and effective (from the public interest point of view) methods developed;
  • Draft public private partnership Strategy for education sector in Azerbaijan and Action Plan for its implementation prepared;
  • Cost benefit analysis, a plan for collecting additional financial data and 2 alternative public private partnership project proposals (Training Hotel and ICT Training Centre) developed including specifications for equipment;
  • Comparative analysis of project realization methods (public private partnership model vs. the traditional way) carried out;
  • Study visits on PPP policy, governance and management to Spain and Ireland organized;
  • Public private partnership institutional scheme required for the facilitation of private sector involvement in education sector developed.

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: EU DEL to Azerbaijan

Origin of funding: EuropeAid/138339/DH/SER/AZ (EU)

Beneficiary: The Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan

Dates (start/end): January 2018 / October 2020

Name of partners: GOPA Consultants (Leading), British Council,  European Projects Management

Services provided:

  • Recommendations on establishment of NQF Secretariat developed;
  • TNA, Training Plan, Work Plan, Responsibilities of the NQ-LLL Department, with Training materials developed, records of programme delivery, and members of NQLLL Department staff adequately trained for their roles;
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Information Strategy developed;
  • Report on Mapping and analysis of existing roles, interests, expectations and capacities of all stakeholders and institutions that need to be involved in NQF implementation developed;
  • AzNQF informative leaflet developed;
  • Review the legislation including recommendations on its alignment with AzNQF implementation goals prepared
  • Review policies of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population including recommendations to ensure their coherence prepared
  • Six Study Visits on NQF governance, validation non-formal lerning (VNFIL), career gudiance/counceling, lifelong lerning, quality assurance, assessment to Croatia, Latvia, Romania (2 times), Denmark and Estonia organized and relevant reports developed;
  • Two conference on AzNQF organized and proejct website developed ( );
  • Methodology for developing Occupational Maps developed and occupational mapping for three priority sectors conducted;
  • Guidelines for developing Qualification Standards from Occupational Standards developed;
  • Guidance materials for standards developers prepared and training organized;
  • Guidance materials for developing Study Programmes (curriculum) from Qualification Standards developed;
  • Guidance materials for developing training modules from study programs developed and training organized for module developers;
  • 24 Occupational standards, 24 qualification standards, 24 assesssment standards and 24 curricula (study programs) developed;
  • 37 training modules by 12 professions developed;
  • Pilot evaluation report, recommendations on use of training materials developed;
  • Report on European best practice in VNFIL developed;
  • Concept paper on VNFIL developed;
  • Guidelines for VNFIL developed;
  • Training and support materials for assessors in VNFIL developed;
  • Assessors trained for VNFIL;
  • Teleconference on VNFIL organized;
  • Review of existing LLL provision in Azerbaijan prepared;
  • Report on the scoping of potential LLL initiatives prepared;
  • Recommendations on improving flexibility of LLL provision developed;
  • Review of existing credit transfer practice prepared;
  • Recommendations on extension of Credit Transfer developed;
  • Discussion paper on quality assurance of assessment processes prepared;
  • Methodology for improved assessment developed;
  • Recommendations for aligning regulations with improved assessment practice developed;
  • Guidelines for developing assessment instruments developed;
  • Review report of testing of revised approach to assessment prepared;
  • Guidelines for the work of Verifiers developed;
  • Guidelines for the external QA of assessment/certification developed;
  • Rules and guidelines for VNFIL (including internal external QA) established;
  • Standards for Assessors and Verifiers developed;
  • Assessors and Verifiers trained for pilots;
  • NQF Advocacy Strategy and Action Plan prepared;
  • National Register of NQF-compliant Qualifications designed (
  • Criteria and procedures proposed for inclusion of entries in National Register;
  • Review of national Career Guidance practice prepared;
  • Concept of career guidance and counselling, with recommendations and implementation plan developed;
  • Proposal for national career website based on developed concept developed.

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: UNICEF

Origin of funding: UNICEF

Dates (start/end): October 2019-January2020

Name of partners: NA
Services provided:

  • Detailed activity plan for costing and fiscal assessment exercise prepared, methodology and tools for data collect, analysis and costing developed;
  • Budgets of state-run (MoLSPP, MoE, MoH, ExCom etc,) as well as community- based social services and assess the impact of the services from the point of beneficiaries’ welfare reviewed;
  • Costing analysis and assessment report including recommendations for policy reform and strategic improvement of the system developed;
  • Findings of the assessment to UNICEF presented.

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Origin of funding: The World Bank

Beneficiary: Dates (start/end): 10/2018-06/2019

Name of partner: DevStat
Services provided:

  • Relevant documents and reports reviewed;
  • Consultation/interviews with main stakeholders conducted;
  • Online survey with main stakeholders conducted;
  • Report on Preparatory Stage Prepared;
  • Assessment Report Prepared;
  • Draft National Strategy for the Development of statistics (NSDS) for 2018-2030 developed;
  • Human and information and communication technology capacity building plans for 2019-2023 developed;
  • Draft Strategy presented in the Workshop.

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: GIZ Baku Office

Origin of funding: BMZ (German Cooperation) and EU DEL to Azerbaijan

Beneficiary: Dates (start/end): 04/2018-11/2018

Name of partners: NA
Services provided:

  • Six Occupational and Qualification Standards and six curricula developed in close cooperation with employers;
  • Competence-based modular training materials developed by six professions (Each profession covers 13/14 training modules including Key modules; Core Modules and Specific Modules);
  • Promotion materials (Leaflets) developed by six professions;

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: British Council Office in Baku

Origin of funding: BP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Azerbaijan

Beneficiary: The Ministry of Education

Dates (start/end): January 2017 / September 2017

Name of partners: NA
Services provided:

12 training modules on 3 professions in agriculture prepared and occupational standard and study programs updated by 3 professions:

  1. Horticulture: i) Plants and their usage; ii) Sowing and maintenance/farming; iii) Soil and substrates
  2. Crop production specialist occupation: i) Grain growing; ii) Growing of oleiferous fruit; iii) Maize cultivation; iv) Root crops growing; v) Cotton growing
  3. Agriculture Machinery (Agro service) specialist occupation: i) Machine maintenance; ii) Machine repair; iii) Using of agricultural machine; iv) Work completion with agro service machine

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: Swiss Cooperation Office in Baku

Origin of funding: the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)

Dates (start/end): December 2016 / February 2017

Name of partners: NA
Services provided:

  • Review international best practise on financial literacy in IVET prepared
  • Consultation with stakeholders conducted;
  • Relevant data collected: databases, statistical data, reports, documents, other relevant papers;
  • Review performance of IVET graduates in the results of Surveys conducted on Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion (in 2009 and 2015) prepared;
  • Analysis carried out and report with recommendations developed including standard and study programs for short-term training ;
  • Study results presented.

    Country: Azerbaijan

    Name of client: Swiss Cooperation Office in Baku

    Origin of funding: the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)

    Dates (start/end): December 2016 / February 2017

    Name of partners: NA
    Services provided:

  • Review international best practise on financial literacy in IVET prepared
  • Consultation with stakeholders conducted;
  • Relevant data collected: databases, statistical data, reports, documents, other relevant papers;
  • Review performance of IVET graduates in the results of Surveys conducted on Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion (in 2009 and 2015) prepared;
  • Analysis carried out and report with recommendations developed including standard and study programs for short-term training ;
  • Study results presented.

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: The Ministry of Education and Ministry of Economy and Industry of Azerbaijan

Origin of funding: World Bank and Azerbaijan Government

Dates (start/end): March 2015 / December 2015

Services provided:

  • Review of current situation on development of VET system (desk research) prepared;
  • Competence-based training materials for 10 curricula developed::1. CNC (computer numerical control) operator; 2. Welder; 3. Bricklayer; 4. Concrete worker; 5. Turner; 6. Routing machine operator; 7. Electrical machines repairer; 8. Iron worker; 9. Compressor operator; 10. Plastics processing machine operator;
  • Equipment and materials for organizing training identified;;
  • Guidelines for trainers and learners developed;
  • Competence-based training materials on 10 key and core competence modules level II developed;
  • Documents on using curricula, standards and training materials developed: i) Develop plan, procedures and training materials for teachers / instructors / masters / assessors for each of the new curriculum and training program; ii) Develop professional orientation materials on 10 occupational profiles; iii) Conduct training needs assessment; iv) Prepare training materials; v) Assist Vocational Education Center to launch training programs in accordance with new standards, curricula and training materials
  • Documents on assessment and internal quality assurance system developed: i) Design assessment procedures and evaluation methods; ii) Develop grading system for assessment of competences; iii) Identify entry and exit profiles of learners for 10 occupational profiles; iv) Develop manuals for assessors; v) Develop internal quality assurance mechanism for the VET Center; vi) Develop requirements for teacher recruitment.

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: The Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan

Origin of funding: EU AZE DELEGETION

Dates (start/end): November 2015 / October 2017

Name of partners:

  1. VIALTO Consulting;
  2. AGROTEC S.p.A.; 
  3. Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI);
  4. National Paying Agency of Lithuania.


  • Information System on Subsidy Policy (software solutions) for the administration and control of subsidies assessed and quality control performed and future needs formulated, i.e. IT strategy for e-agriculture implementation and roll-out developed.
  • Development of procedures and methods to create and maintain spatial reference database of utilised agricultural land, geographical data of parcels and relevant data of non-eligible features.
  • Procedures and techniques required for spatial data management developed;
  • Procedures and techniques required for on the spot-checks developed;
  • Quality control procedures for externally provided data and institutional data exchange procedures developed;
  • Procedures for the maintenance and updating of the IT system developed and applied;
  • Manuals of procedures prepared and e-agriculture related functions including occupational standards and training materials of the new MoA regional office network defined and introduced in at least 5 pilot offices (rayon and urban branches);
  • Development of technical specifications for an Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) and integration of existing agricultural data bases. Analysis of systems developed within FAO technical support project and preparation of recommendations on their integration into e-agriculture systems and development.
  • Study tour to EU country organized.

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: The Ministry of Education and Ministry of Economy and Industry of Azerbaijan

Origin of funding: World Bank and Azerbaijan Government

Dates (start/end): September 2014 / March 2015

Services provided:

  • Sector Committee with involvement representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Industry, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, line ministries, trendsetting enterprises to represent the economy, their unions, professional organizations, education institutions and trade unions established;
  • Desk research and consultations with stakeholders for identification of priority occupational profiles conducted;
  • 10 occupational standards and 10 qualification standards with participation of employers and stakeholders developed;
  • 10 curricula based on occupational-qualification standards developed;

Validation meetings and workshops conducted

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: The Ministry of Education 

Origin of funding: World Bank and Azerbaijan Government

Dates (start/end): 25 November 2014, 31 December 2015

Name of partners GOPA Consultants, Germany

Services provided:

  • A Task Force (Working Group) comprising of the Project Experts and representatives of the beneficiary established. Around 14 meetings held of the Task Force during the implementation period of the project.
  • Meetings held with stakeholders (5 schools, relevant projects and representatives of the beneficiary).
  • Respective information on Current status of teacher performance measurement and remuneration system in Azerbaijan collected, and the respective Study completed.
  • Respective information on International best practice models on performance-based pay system collected and the respective Study completed.
  • Detailed design analysis of Performance Based Teacher Remuneration System conducted and relevant papers/documents prepared:
  • Design study on establishing a performance-based teacher remuneration system in Azerbaijan;
  • Quick win options towards establishing performance-based remuneration system in Azerbaijan;
  • Possible functioning outputs of school-based and individual performance related incentivisation programs on the example of 3 selected schools;
  • System indicators for monitoring of teachers’ performance;
  • Institutional and legal framework for implementation of Performance based teacher remuneration (incentivisation) system.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis and MIS Database on Establishing a Performance-Based Teacher Remuneration System.
  • Implementation Plan on Performance Based Teacher Remuneration System prepared.
  • Occupational standard, study program and training materials for assessor on performance based teacher remuneration system developed.
  • Training on Performance Based Teacher Remuneration delivered from 02 November to 13 November 2015. Twenty five assessors awarded with certificate, pilot assessment conducted in 3 schools and results of pilot test analysed.

12 days awareness camping (training-seminar) on Performance-based system as a key tool for improving quality in education in 12 schools (covered over 1,200 teachers and directors from 300 schools) of Baku city conducted in December 2015.

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan 

Origin of funding: World Bank and Azerbaijan Government

Dates (start/end): July 2013 / December 2014

Name of partners: IBF International Consulting, Belgium

Services provided:

  • Reviewing international best practices in order to improve quality of continuous education and foster educational staff  human resources development prepared;
  • A concept and procedures for development and implementation of occupational and qualification standards and definitions prepared;
  • Technical specifications in joining occupational standards and qualification standards developed;
  • Research on the use of occupational, training and qualification standards by enterprises, students and parents, MLSPP and MOE (including training institutions) carried out;
  • A sample qualification standard developed and with stakeholders agreed;
  • Needs for occupational and qualification standards determined;
  • 63 qualification standards developed and validated;
  • Dissemination concept and plan for occupational and qualification standards developed;
  • Report on the informative function of occupational and qualification standards in vocational counselling and career planning prepared;
  • Findings on the role/importance of professional qualification standards in the design of continuous education prepared;
  • Training delivered on development and implementation of occupational and qualification standards for national education institutions and providers in charge of TVET at national level;
  • Project progress presented in other relevant meetings, conferences, seminars and workshops to foster development of social partnership between relevant stakeholders;
  • Meetings of Working Groups and Sector Committees organized;
  • Project Web Page (egg. designed and updated;
  • Feasibility study conducted: legal, institutional and financial aspects for development qualification system, qualification framework, lifelong learning, VPL (Validation of Prior Learning) and implementation of qualification standards.

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan 

Origin of funding: World Bank and Azerbaijan Government

Dates (start/end): July 2010/ September 2013 2014

Name of partners GOPA Consultants, Germany

Services provided:

  • Review prepared on international experiences and situation in Azerbaijan on development and application of occupational standards, adaptation and use of ISCO, as well as quality assurance (accreditation and certification of testing centres);
  • Workshop and Conference on presentation of the Project to the Stakeholders organized;
  • Labour Market Study (including conduct in-depth interviews) conducted;
  • Public Awareness Strategy developed and workshops for mass media delivered;
  • Procedure for development of occupational standards developed;
  • Procedures for accreditation of Occupational Testing Centres developed;
  • 210 occupational standards, including occupational assessments developed;
  • Learning outcomes on 100 occupational standards developed;
  • Validation meetings with 230 trendsetting/leading enterprises on 210 occupational standards organized;
  • Sector Committee meetings organized of i)Tourism, ii)Construction, iii)Manufacturing, iv)Transport, v)Agriculture, vi)Energy, vii)Trade, business administration and individual services;
  • Study tours for decision makers to the three countries (Germany, Slovenia and Singapore) organized;
  • Review of the current situation on establishing the Manpower Development Agency (Occupational Standards Centre) prepared;
  • Legislative (Labour Code and the Law on Employment), financial (Effeciency Model) and institutional documents developed: (i) Statute of the Manpower Development Agency MLSPP; ii) Structure of the Manpower Development Agency; iii) Rationale for the establishing of the Manpower Development Agency under the MLSPP; iv) Financial, economic and social benefits of the application of occupational standards in Azerbaijan; v) Estimates for financial resources required for the annual operation of the Manpower Development Agency; vi) Executive summary of best international expertise in the development of workforce; vii) Draft letter to the Prime Minister on establishment of the Manpower Development Agency; Draft Decree for Establishing the MDA) frameworks for establishment of Manpower Development Agency (Occupational Standards Centre);
  • Recommendations on improvement of Occupational Classification developed;
  • Trainings for stakeholders organized on i) “Use of occupational standards in development of learning outcome and curriculum design” and ii) “Use of occupational standards human resources management”;
  • Dissemination Plan prepared and occupational standards disseminated: through project web page, internet, social media, events-workshops, seminars, conferences, meetings;
  • Occupational standards in international events disseminated: European Employment Forums and Annual International EfVET Conferences;
  • web site developed and updated;
  • A video clip, banners and pop-ups on project implementation produced;
  • Conference on “The role of occupational standards in training of skilled workers and increase of labour productivity” organized.

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan 

Origin of funding: World Bank and Azerbaijan Government

Dates (start/end): March 2010 / August 2013

Services provided:
• Review international experience on development of competency based training programs and materials prepared;
• Labor Market Analysis on the most demanded professions carried out;
• Study visit for decision makers to Poland organized;
• Training of trainers (12 participants) delivered;
• 43 occupational standards and modular training programs prepared;

  • Needs for equipment and materials for regional vocational training centers for the implementation of the 43 modular training programs determineed; 
    • Flyers on 43 modular training programs prepared;
    • The MoLSPP and SES assisted in establishing monitoring system and strengthening of control over the quality of modular training: prepare manual and develop software for conducting competency-based assessment;
    • Relevant proposals developed for making amendments or modifications to the Employment Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other legal documents for improvements in provision of training services for job-seeking and unemployed citizens;
    • Proposals made in improving institutional framework, management of state employment service (SES) and financing of its activities in regards to provision of modular training programs;
    • Assisted in establishing two Vocational Training Centres (including assist in design of centres);
    • Stakeholders Meetings organized;
    • Pilot trainings organized in the regional vocational training centres.

Country: Azerbaijan

Name of client: Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan 

Origin of funding: World Bank and Azerbaijan Government

Dates (start/end): June 2011 / February 2014

Services provided:

  • Assist in establishment of OSG (5 young specialists);
  • Deliver trainings and study visits (Germany, Slovenia, Italy and Singapore) on development, validation, dissemination and application of occupational and qualification standards;
  • Supervising OSG’s activities on development, validation and dissemination of occupational and qualification standards;
  • Organize capacity building activities (Team work, strategic planning, conducting research etc.) for OSG;
  • OSG prepared over 100 occupational standards during 03/2014-12/2015